Website accessibility for disabled users

How Can Digital Accessibility Specialists Ensure Website Accessibility For Disabled Users?

How Can Digital Accessibility Specialists Ensure Website Accessibility For Disabled Users?

In the modern age of technology, it is evident that there is a lack of easily accessible online resources for everyone, particularly for disabled users. However, digital accessibility specialists have become essential for businesses aiming to address this issue. According to the GOV website, the 2021 census revealed that 17.8% (10.4 million) of the population in England and Wales were disabled, highlighting the significant number of disabled users. This underlines the importance of the role of digital accessibility specialists in improving and enhancing the online presence of businesses.

How Do Accessibility Specialists Ensure Websites are Accessible to Everyone?

Many websites neglect accessibility, often resulting in insufficient colour contrast between text and background, which can be difficult for users with visual impairments. Low contrast can make it difficult for these users to navigate and understand the content. Digital accessibility specialists play a crucial role in identifying and rectifying such issues to ensure that the colour combinations meet the required accessibility guidelines, supporting both the brand's image and online users with disabilities.

Key Strategies Employed by Accessibility Specialists

  • Conducting Accessibility Audits: Accessibility specialists start by performing comprehensive audits of websites. These audits identify areas that fall short of accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The audit results in a detailed report highlighting issues and suggesting improvements.

  • Improving Colour Contrast: Specialists ensure that the contrast between text and background is sufficient to be readable by users with visual impairments. Tools like the Colour Contrast Analyser online are used to measure and adjust these contrasts to meet WCAG guidelines.

  • Ensuring Device Compatibility: Websites must be accessible across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Accessibility specialists test websites on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility, preventing any potential device-related issues.

  • Creating User-Friendly Layouts: An organised and user-friendly layout is essential for accessibility. Specialists design layouts that are intuitive and easy to navigate, which is crucial for users with cognitive disabilities. This includes using clear headings, logical content structure, and intuitive navigation menus.

  • Simplified Language: Using simpler language in website content makes it more accessible. Specialists ensure content writing that is easy to read, avoiding jargon and complex sentence structures, which can be challenging for users with cognitive impairments.

  • Keyboard Navigation: Many disabled users rely on keyboard navigation instead of a mouse. Accessibility specialists incorporate features like skip navigation links, keyboard focus indicators, and accessible forms to assist these users. This ensures that all website functions can be performed using a keyboard.

Other Key Benefits of Enhancing Website Accessibility for Disabled Users

  • Increased Audience Reach: By making websites accessible, businesses can reach a broader audience, including the significant number of disabled users. This not only enhances inclusivity but also opens up new market opportunities.

  • Improved SEO: Accessible websites are often better optimised for search engines. Features like proper heading structures, alt text for images, and descriptive link texts improve SEO, helping websites rank higher in search engine results.

  • Legal Compliance: In many regions, including the UK, there are legal requirements for website accessibility. Ensuring compliance helps businesses avoid potential legal issues and penalties.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Accessibility improvements often enhance the overall user experience for all users. Features like responsive design, faster load times, and clearer content benefit everyone, not just disabled users.

  • Positive Brand Image: Investing in accessibility demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and social responsibility. This can enhance a brand’s reputation and foster loyalty among customers who value businesses that prioritise accessibility.

Digital Accessibility Apprenticeships: A Smart Investment

Investing in digital accessibility is not just the right thing to do; it’s a smart business move. By leveraging the expertise of digital accessibility specialists, your business can set itself apart from competitors, appeal to a broader audience, and ultimately gain more customers. This, in turn, can contribute to your business's growth and success.

Digital accessibility specialists offer a wide range of benefits that can significantly improve your website. By ensuring that your website is accessible to all users, you not only comply with legal requirements but also create a more inclusive and user-friendly online presence.

Explore Digital Accessibility Apprenticeships

Are you ready to make your website accessible and tap into a broader audience? Explore Digital Accessibility Apprenticeships today and transform your online presence. Visit our website or contact us at 020 7377 0731 to learn more about how we can help your business achieve its accessibility goals.


  • https://civilservice.blog.gov.uk/2023/05/18/digital-accessibility-working-together-to-break-down-barriers/

Want to take this to the next level?

Fariha Jabeen

Marketing and Digital Innovation Team